Friday 7 February 2014

Dystopian book covers

These are my favourite 10 dystopian book covers. I chose the covers above as all have such pretty colours on them, the ombré on Taken I love, which is why it's one of my favourites. I love The Programs cover due to the fact that it's so simple and it's different from other distopian dark covers. 

The Books-
This is an okay book, nothing amazing but am interested in reading the sequel to this called Resist. I thought that the plot of this book was a lot stronger than the characters. 
Just like Breathe this is an okay book, but unlike Breathe I thought that this book had good characters but I had some issues with the plot.
I really liked this book, I thought it was such an original plot and loved the main protagonist. This was Veronica's first ever book (and it shows) however the next books in this trilogy in my opinion are much than the first.
I liked this book, but once again didn't think it was amazing. The thing that spoiled this for me was that I could tell exactly what was going to happen throughout this book, I was able to guess all of the mysteries very quickly. 

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